Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Baby Brother

Brian and I took the girls today for the 20 week ultra sound to see their baby brother. They saw the ultra sound photos from previous times, but we thought it would be neat for them to go for the last one.

Avery was very interested and was very sweet during the process. Jacy thought it was neat for about 2 minutes :-). 

The tech was very thorough during the process and shared lots of reassuring information during the process.  Everything was normal and HE weighed almost 1lb.  He had the hiccups during it and even stuck his tongue out at us!  

Here are his feet and a front view of his face.

Here he is opening his mouth and a profile picture.

We plan to name the little guy Coby Patrick Linn.
It sounds like he will be arriving either July 10th or July 17th- depending on my doctor's schedule! We are very excited!!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Saturday with Nanny and Pappy

Saturday the girls and Brian took a day trip to Nanny and Pappy's house. The girls had a blast playing with toys and Nanny won when we were playing Skip Bo. Dinner was a delicious treat of special chili.

The girls are attempting to beat up on pappy with a dislocated shoulder.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Patrick & Linn Girls Hula Hoop with Mammie

This evening the girls spent sometime in the basement at Mammie's house and hula hooped. Check out these pictures of these girls!
Mammee, Karlie, & Avery

Jacy, Karlie, Kinley, & Avery

Karlie & Kinley

Mammee, Karlie, & Avery
After going through all of the pictures I couldn't find Maddie. I wonder where she went when I got the camera out.

Another Snow Day at the Linn's

Today the girls went outside to enjoy God's great creation of snow. This is the first time that Jacy was really excited about going sledding. We had about an inch and a half of snow...

Avery & Jacy at the Frames Branch Summit
Going down together!

Time to Play on the Playhouse!!!

Avery enjoying the FAST slide!!!

Jacy wasn't the biggest fan of the FAST slide...

Let's try out the trapeze bar too!



Saturday, February 22, 2014

YMCA Bowling Social

This evening we spent time with our Sunday school class at the Lee County Recreation Center bowling. The food, drinks, candy and desserts were a hit with the kids along with seeing their many friends. The parents also had a great time this evening!

Avery, Jacy, & Maeven


Jacy & Avery

Avery & Terah

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Jacy's Birthday

Today was Jacy's 4th birthday! She is wearing her birthday hat from Training His Treasures. This morning the back of the hat needed tape from being so rough on it and this evening Avery ripped it accidentally in the car and it needed more tape. She did quite well with the dilemma.
Happy Birthday Jacy!
On our way to SES Avery wanted to discuss the seating arrangements. It has been an ongoing saga with who will sit where and will there be enough room for her to exit on the passenger side? (Teachers open the door) We assured her she could walk through the aisle way and make it to the door.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine’s Day Dinner at Church

Stacy and I enjoying our meal together.


We were able to fellowship with many of our friends from our church on Sunday evening.


Stacy and I even played the great game the “Newly Weds” before the congregation. We were off to a fast start and then we got out of rhythm and the Crowe’s overtook us at the end. Even though we lost we both enjoy the fellowship and fun with our friends.

Dinner Company with a Future Neighbor

The girls got to spend time and color with Addyson our soon to be neighbor as we played the game. The girls are very excited about Addyson moving down the street.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Jacy's Birthday Party


Today, we celebrated Jacy’s fourth birthday. She enjoyed this celebration by having another Minnie Mouse party with her cousins and the McClanahan’s.  Jacy was thankful to play with all of her friends and spend good quality time with all of her family members as she is thankful for the many gifts she received.


Valentine's Day

Avery received her first flower from a boy today. She thought that mommy and daddy would be upset with her. We were both actually shocked and sad to see our little girl growing up before us.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

January 2014

Avery and Jacy got to experience the MOST snow of their lives during the month of January.  Not only snow, but frigid temperatures which kept them from even getting to play in it.  However, that did not stop Avery and Brian.  They braved the 18 degree weather (I refused to let them go below that!).  After it warmed up (30 or so) we all went out to play.  After a week of being cooped up, on Sunday, January 26th we had BEAUTIFUL weather around 45 degrees.  Here are some pictures of their winter fun!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

O Christmas Tree

Decorating the tree and taking the tree down...I always did it for my mom and it appears that the tradition will continue with my girls!  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE putting up the tree, it's the taking it down part that I dread. 
This is us putting up the tree.  Nanny (Brian's mom) gave us the tree when we got married.  We will keep this tree until she hands up down another one:-)  We play Christmas music and the girls help as much as possible.  For some reason- I don't have a "final" picture of the tree?!  It was REALLY great after Christmas when I mentioned we were going to take down the tree.  Brian hauled the boxes upstairs and before I could finish hanging up clothes from the dryer- the girls had removed every ornament from the tree and were working on taking down their own trees!  The taking down process amazing!  Thanks girls!

Sisters working hard together

She's 7....

and takes a LOT of selfies.

The girls in their Christmas dresses