Friday, December 20, 2013

Jacy- A is for Angels

Jacy was an ANGEL twice this week.  Once at our church's Christmas program and again on Tuesday at her school performance.  At church she opened up the play with, A is for Angels- followed by MORE angels with sweet parts.  Apparently little girls really like angel costumes.  Avery was M for Mary.  We were "awesome" parents and didn't take any pictures :-)

In the school program she got to sing with the other kids and this angel also liked dancing and bopping around to the music.  It was a really cute show.  One of the best parts is Avery's friend, Chloe, from church was also an angel in the program.  Then we got to visit and eat sandwiches with her family (our friends) afterwards! 
Family photo

Chloe (left) and Jacy (in the middle)
This was the best I could find from the night?!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Avery Runs

Avery started training with the elementary school cross country team in the Spring and then officially started the team this summer.  I continously gave her the option of "opting" out, but she said she liked running!  They practice 4-5 times a week and did INTENSE workouts for their little legs.  I think I should have started with them in July and I would have lost a few inches and pounds!  Again, I teared up at her first few races because I was so proud of her determination and committment to the activity.  She made some GREAT friends and loved her Coach Julie.  I am hoping her love for Coach Julie will push her back toward basketball.  Either way, she says she will decide in the spring whether she's going to run again.  If she decides to, Brian wants to help coach- if possible. 

We had a lot of fun "chasing the bus" and then chasing her around the cross country course.  Her longest run was 1.8 miles at the horse park.  I am not for sure about her PR, but we were proud either way.  Her goal each race or practice was to run more than she did the time before.  Run more, walk less! 

XC meet in Winchester.  The boys team took 1st place that day!  You can see Avery's gum in this picture.  We discovered early in the season th

Avery with her metal at the regional meet. October = Cold Running and Wet Feet!  Next time we will be prepared!

These picture are from the STATE championship!  It was VERY cold!

Nanny, Pappy, and Jenny came to see the race before Avery's birthday party at our house. 

First Day of School & Father-Daughter Tea

I know that the dates are going to be off, but I am going to attempt to catch up on everything that happened with the Linn's during the FALL, 2013! 

Starting with...Avery's first day of FIRST GRADE!  Avery's teacher is Mrs. Carter and she (we) love her.  A neat story about Mrs. Carter- when I was in 4th grade Mrs. Carter did her student teaching in MY 4th grade class!!!  Mrs. Carter also goes to our church- so we get to see her outside of school.  It is hard to believe that as I am typing this she is almost half-way through 1st grade. 

I have been so proud of her- as always.

The girls also went to a Father-Daughter Tea at church for.  This pictures was very sweet of Jacy working on her craft at church.