Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Jacy the Cow

Jacy attends pre-school at Training His Treasures Tuesdays and Thursdays.  This year in the Christmas program Jacy played the role of a cow.  When Avery participated she was scared to go on stage and cried a few times.  Jacy acted like it was not a big deal and led her fellow cow down the aisle to the stage.  She sang with the other students and her famous line was "Moo". 


Sunday, December 16th, the girls participated in our church's Christmas program.  Practice started back in November.  During the week Avery and Jacy would serenade us with Christmas carols and I would play "Name that Tune".  Angels We Have Heard On High was one of their favorites--Gloooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo....I tried my best to help them finish with"ria", but they just liked singing the Gloooo part.  The song that stuck with Jacy most was "Go Tell it on the Mountain".  She can sing the chorus and it is really cute.


I am aware that this post is a month behind/the wrong holiday.  However, I have to catch the time when I can to post!  Currently, I am drinking coffee and waiting on the girls (and Brian) to wake up to open the presents under the tree:-)
I do think that Avery's "Thankful" turkey from school is fit for posting on Christmas morning.  For Thanksgiving kindergarten parents are invited to eat lunch.  It worked out that I could take off half a day and eat with Avery (as well as Brian) and then take her for her 6-year check up.  The parents were escorted to the classroom to see the art projects.  Needless to say- I was very overwhelmed by Avery's picture.  I pray daily that Avery will continue to keep Jesus (or Jezuz) close in her heart forever.